Here are the answers to some of the questions most frequently asked about Liburubila, as well as some advice and useful information.
What is Liburubila?
Liburubila is a discovery search tool which enables you, in just a single search, to simultaneously explore different databases in order to access from a single screen thousands of books, films, documents and e-books which have been specially selected by the libraries of the Basque Public Reading Network for Basque citizens. The software used is vufind and the Basque Government is responsible for the creation and maintenance of this tool.
How does Liburubila work?
Liburubila launches a simultaneous search in 4 different databases: the Basque Public Reading Network's catalogue, eLiburutegia (ebooks and eFilm -online film platform).
Once you have entered your search terms in the search engine field, the discovery tool (Liburubila) returns a list of all documents (books, epubs, videos, movies, etc.) that coincide with them.
However, in addition to the single search function, you can also define or filter your searches in accordance with both the type of material you wish to locate (book, ebook, film, music, electronic document, newspaper or magazine, graphic document or computer archive) and the catalogue or database on which you wish to focus (Network Catalogue, eLiburutegia or online movies (cine online)).
And of course, you also have the option of limiting your search to a specific library. To do so, simply unfold the 'Complete catalogue' option and enter the town in which the library is located in the box.

How can I use the Liburubila service?
Anyone can carry out a search using Liburubila. As stated earlier, it is a discovery tool which helps you find what you are looking for, but it can also be used to explore and discover new documents through suggestions and proposals generated by the tool itself.
Liburubila offers you the possibility of saving and generating your own lists of documents you have found or read, with the films you like best, etc. To use this function you must have a valid library card from any public library in the Basque Public Reading Network (RLPE, for its initials in Spanish). Your card will provide you with the username and password you need to access all the library services offered by the Network. If you do not yet have a library card, you can request one at any RLPE library.
When do I have to log in?
1- Because form Liburubila, once you sign in, you have the possibility to make bookings, see and / or renew your loans.

2- To save a list or search you have previously done and you are interested in keeping, for example, our favourite books, favourite films, books you would like to read ...

What is the packback symbol for?
For saving searches while the Liburubila search engine is open. If you want to use these searches on other occasions, then you first need to log in.
What should I do if I forget my Liburubila access details or if I get an error message?
Within the "Login" option, click on the link have you forgotten your password? This link can be found on the login screen for accessing loans and takes you to an interface where you can change your password. Once you have done so, you will receive a confirmation email. You can now access the Liburubila services using your new password.
If the problem persists, please go to your local library and ask them to reissue your access information.
What should I do if I have any further queries?
If this FAQ section fails to clear up any doubts you may have about our information search and discovery service, please contact your local library. They should be able to answer any queries.
Alternatively, you can use the 'Contact us' option and send us an email with your question.
And, of course, you can also ask any questions over the Internet or by telephone or email, using the citizen interaction service provided by either the Basque Government (Zuzenean) or your local council (providing it has one).